Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Swing Set

Happy birthday Hayden!

One of the things Hayden loves to do is swing. We go to the park and swing forever, well not really forever, but usually at least 30 minutes nonstop. So for his birthday I decided to build him a swing set for the backyard. Now we can swing anything we want. I documented it with my phone to the pictures aren't necessarily the best quality, but you will get the general idea.

Happy birthday Hayden! Stay tuned for progress pictures.
On the way home from hardware store. 6 - 4x4x10's 6 - 80 lbs bags of concrete 10 - 5/8x10 inch bolts/nuts/washers (I really needed 12 inch bolts but at the time I didn't realize it)

They're here! They're here!
They're here! They're here!

The perfect spot

That's deep!

Almost there. I need to wait for the concrete to set and then hang the buckets!
Almost there. I need to wait for the concrete to set and then hang the buckets!


Take a look at all the pictures.

1 comment:

LoveLladro said...

How awesome! What a lucky little man!