Monday, April 27, 2009

Day at the park

The weather was beautiful, sunny and warm with a slight breeze, perfect park weather. This was a special visit to the park, it was the FIRST visit to the park for Hayden. At seven months old he is now sitting, crawling (kind of), pulling up, and more mobile then he has ever been. Until now he as used me as his own personal jungle gym of sorts, crawling over my legs while we play on the floor. We decided today would be the day to graduate from daddy jungle gym to real jungle gym. Well at least we would try it out for a bit. He still has several more years on daddy before going total legit.

We decided to drive down to Daniel Island and try our luck on some swings and slides. The park was near empty, perfect for a first timer. Swings were first on the list.

Are guys sure about this?

Okay guys, seriously is this safe?

Okay this is pretty cool.

Soooo relaxing.

Okay guys this isn't funny, get me down from here.

Overall the day was a huge success, swings and slides oh my! The weather really was perfect and the trip went off without a hitch. The only down side was Hayden being really sleepy. He about fell asleep on the swings and he wasn't as active as his normal crazy self.
We are looking forward to many many more days in the park!


LoveLladro said...

So I find your blog and the last post is April? And the pictures of your adorable son are busted? What's the deal Tristan! ;~)

Tristan said...

Sorry about that, it has been and busy summer. I also tried out SmugMug but decided to stick with Picasa. I am updating the links now.